Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Fun!

Here's a hint - whatever you do, never let Santa get your family the stomach virus for Christmas.  Max was the only one who didn't have it; he got over it a couple days ago.  I didn't leave the couch all day.  It's not as fun opening presents on the couch.

We had crackers and water for Christmas dinner.  But, I think we're all doing better today.  Maybe we'll actually break out Guitar Hero World Tour tonight.


  1. So sorry to hear about your bouts with the flue. Call when you feel better. Hope you are able to salvage part of the holiday weekend. Considering, I hope you have a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. I miss you all very much. Please thank Krista for calling me on Christmas day even though she was under the weather. Miss you all very much dearing this time of the year. Wish I could be with all of you.

  2. Oh man! That stinks!! Maybe the weekend will be better. Hope you all feel better. P.S. I think that we are going to go see the Will Smith movie tomm. Thanks for telling us about it.
